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Hello and welcome to my little online world.
If you've never been here before let me give you a brief tour. The buttons on the left will take you to the various areas of the site. "About Me" is just that, a little bit about myself. The "Artwork" section contains original artwork. This is the one section where I tend to only contribute web support. Most of the artwork you will find here is drawn by my wonderfully talented husband. I love the web and have found tons of fun and useful stuff. Some of my favorites sites can be found in the "Links" section. I use CorelDraw / Corel Photo-Paint as my graphics programs of choice. Although I have found some great resources on the web, it is much harder to find information on Photo-Paint than it is for either Adobe Photo Shop or Jasc Paint Shop Pro. The "Graphics Resources" section is my attempt to partly rectify this. Right now, I have several Victorian image sprayer files available for download. I love to play with CGI scripts. The "Quiz" section developed from one of those play sessions. There are a several quizzes currently available. If you like trivia please visit the quiz page and test your knowledge. Soon, I'm hoping to expand this section. The "Rants" area is thankfully very small. I generally don't have a lot to rant about, but every once and a while . . . Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. The "Recipes" area contains a few recipes that I really enjoy. The "Updates" section will let you know what's new on the site. Another way I relax is to create web pages. I'll be putting some of the backgrounds, buttons, and web page sets that I've I created under the "Web Stuff" section. I've also been fortunate to have some people like my web work and ask me to design their sites. My portfolio, as well as a general price listing of what I charge for web design, can be found in the "Web Design" section. I hope you enjoy my site and maybe find something useful here. I welcome comments and/or suggestions. You can e-mail me at raven@penmaster.com .
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About Me Artwork Graphics Resources Links Quiz Rants Recipes Updates |
Site created 04 April 1999 |