The Answer Is . . .
The correct answers to the quiz questions are shown in bold with an underline.
In addition, one word which corresponds to an incorrect answer is
provided. Obviously, other words may have the same meaning. Answers
are from Webster's 21st Century Dictionary of the English Language for School,
Home, and Office.
1. What does expiate mean?
(v.i) cease to be in effect - expire
(v.t) account for - explain
(v.t) atone for
(v.t) anticipate - contemplate
(v.t) emit - expel
2. What does osculate mean?
(v) swing back and forth - oscillate
(v) kiss
(v.i) increase rapidly, as in intensity - escalate
(v.i) struggle - flounder
(v.i) change rate or quantity irregularly - fluctuate
3. What does otiose mean?
(adj) even - flush
(adj) idle; useless
(adj) relevant - germane
(adj) severe in manner - austere
(adj) daring - audacious
4. What is pelf?
(n) weakness - foible
(n) money; riches
(n) large cask - hogs head
(n) ridiculous comedy - farce
(n) military weapons - ordnance
5. What is lambent?
(adj) gently glowing
(v.t) punish with blows or words - lambaste
(n) Hawaiian open-air living area - lanai
(v.t.) cover with a layer of material - laminate
(n) game with net like racquets - lacrosse
6. What is ganglion?
(adj) awkwardly tall - gangling or gangly
(n) mass of nerve cells
(adj) vulgarly showy - garish
(n) loosely woven cloth - gauze
(n) hammerlike noisemaker - gavel
7. What does emporium mean?
(n) force or stress - emphasis
(n) store with varied merchandise
(n) hostility - enmity
(n) ideal example - epitome
(n) reckless adventure - escapade
8. What does florid mean?
(adj) pertaining to flowers - floral
(adj) gaudy
(adj) ruddy
(adj) flowing - fluid
(n) able to be done; practical - feasible
9. What does dirk mean?
(n) funeral song - dirge
(n) follower of a teacher or teaching - disciple
(n) disagreement - discord
(n) dagger
(n) person of recent power or wealth - upstart
10. What does blithe mean?
(n) deterioration - blight
(adj) frank or abrupt in manner - bluff
(adj) cheerful
(adj) supple - lithe
(adj) shamelessly obvious - blatant
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